
Bootsie and Snudge

Bootsie and Snudge is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1960 to 1963 and in 1974. The show is a spin-off of The Army Game, a sitcom about soldiers undertaking national service, and follows two of the main characters (played by Alfie Bass and Bill Fraser) after they returned to civilian life. The first series is titled Bootsie and Snudge in Civvy Life. Between the 1963 and 1974 series, a spin-off called Foreign Affairs was broadcast.

Media Details
Content Type: Programme Titles
Picture: 4:3 Black and White
Quality: ST
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:Granada Television
Country: United Kingdom
Channel / Service: ITV
Talent and Credits
Performers: Alfie Bass, Bill Fraser
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