
BBC TV Demonstration Film

The BBC Television Service began on 2nd November 1936. In 1925 John Logie Baird demonstrated the potential of a low powered scanning system, with the reluctant help of the BBC (whom he had an uneasy relationship) Baird pioneered television in Britain. In August 1932 the BBC began an experimental service using Baird’s system, meanwhile his competitor EMI had joined forces with the Marconi Company and were making progress replacing mechanical scanning by electronic scanning using a cathode ray tube. Finally in 1937 Baird’s system was dropped in favour of EMI-Marconi’s electronic system. This clip is from “Set Top Boxing Day” a theme night shown on BBC Choice in 1998.

Media Details
Content Type: Miscellaneous
Picture: 4:3 Black and White
Quality: ST
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
Country: United Kingdom
Channel / Service: BBC TV Service
Talent and Credits
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