
Big John Little John

‘Big John Little John’ is a whimsical American comedy series that aired in 1976, where the protagonist, Big John (played by Herb Edelman), finds himself in a splashy situation. After drinking from the Fountain of Youth while on vacation in Florida, Big John, a 40-something school teacher, discovers he can unpredictably transform into a 12-year-old version of himself, Little John (played by Robbie Rist). This secret, known only to his wife and son, leads to a series of laugh-out-loud predicaments as he juggles his professional duties and family life while spontaneously switching between his big and little self. It’s a tale of age-reversing shenanigans that proves growing up is hard to do – especially when you’re doing it in reverse!

A total of 13 episodes were broadcast over 1 series in 1976. The series was later shown on BBC1 in the UK.

Media Details
Content Type: Programme Titles
Picture: 4:3 Colour
Quality: HQ
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:Redwood Productions/D'Angelo. Bullock & Allen Productions
Country: United Kingdom
Channels / Services: NBC, BBC1
Talent and Credits
Performers: Herb Edelman, Robbie Rist, Joyce Bulifant, Mike Darnell
Writers: Sherwood Schwartz, Llloyd J. Schwartz
Music: Richard La Salle, Jerry Whitman
VT / Picture Editor: Marshall M. Borden
Producer: Lloyd J. Schwartz
Director: Gordon Wiles
Posted by: Mark