Inter-Kerkelijke Omroep Nederland – IKON is a confessional-religious programme maker, and it's the odd one out : it's multi-religion, trying to identify the differences and alikenesses between the different religious communities of Holland, in an attempt to create a better understanding of one another's religion. IKON is also well-known for it's charity fund-raising schemes and supports several educational projects in the poorest third-world countries.

IKON Closedown

New, it's not

Quality: ST

Date unknown

Views: 81

Format: 4:3

Ikon Copyright

New, it's not

Quality: ST


Views: 35

Format: 4:3

IKON Werelden

New, it's not

Quality: ST


Views: 48

Format: 4:3

IKON Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


Views: 63

Format: 16:9