LWT 1996 – 1999 Branding

On 30th August 1996 LWT unveiled its new look and logo, which was designed and directed by LWT graphic designer Mark Gouldie, with English and Pockett creating the revised logo.

LWT Break Bumper

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

Date unknown

Views: 338

Format: 4:3

LWT F1 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST

Date unknown

Views: 453

Format: 4:3

LWT Continuity

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

Date unknown

Views: 501

Format: 4:3

LWT Ident

New, it's not

Quality: HQ


Views: 1530

Format: 4:3

LWT Ident

New, it's not

Quality: HQ


Views: 898

Format: 4:3

Thirty Years of LWT Special Presentation

Over the course of the weekend from 31st July – 2nd August 1998 saw LWT wishing itself a happy 30th birthday with these gorgeous animations and Invision from Peter Lewis, for the first time in over 16 years.

LWT Programme Promotions

Des Res Sunday

New, it's not

Quality: HQ


Views: 110

Format: 4:3

LWT Holding Slides

Eye Spy

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

Date unknown

Views: 151

Format: 4:3