ITV2 2003 – 2006 Branding

On 14th July 2003 this look, created by Bruce Dunlop & Associates (BD&A), was introduced for ITV2. All of the nine idents can be seen below. In a press release, Jim Hytner, ITV’s Marketing and Commercial Director, who commissioned the re-branding exercise said: ‘ITV2 has really come of age over the past eighteen months and we wanted to consolidate this growth by creating a more coherent proposition. The channel has a broad remit but essentially it is a more youthful, modern alternative to ITV1. Bruce Dunlop & Associates design brings this distinction cleverly to life, whilst still firmly tying it into ITV1’s look.’

Euan Hudghton, ITV1 & ITV2 Marketing Manager said: ‘This new proposition pitches ITV2 as the edgier, more spontaneous side to ITV, and positioning it as the ‘flipside’ to ITV1 seemed to express this most succinctly. It will colour all elements of the channel, including scheduling, programming and billing, and will help define ITV2’s programme offering to both terrestrial and multichannel viewers. ‘End credit promotions and announcements have worked really well in how effectively we use ITV1’s airtime, and their introduction on ITV2 will allow us to breed audience familiarity with the schedule, and keep them on the channel once we’ve got them there.’

Matt Piper, Designer, Bruce Dunlop & Associates, said: ‘Our new design work on ITV2 has created a more focused look for the channel, creating a brand that does justice to its strong position in the market. We set out to show that there is a whole other side to ITV and in doing so strengthen both ITV1 and ITV2. Our idea to ‘flip’ the three blue blocks and one yellow block of ITV1 to the opposite ratio for ITV2 was the natural visual realisation of this. This allowed us to have fun with the channel and at the same time create a distinctive, uncompromising attitude and look.’

ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

9th August 2003

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ITV2 Ident

New, it's not

Quality: HQ


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ITV2 Programme Promotions