
BBC1 Doctor Who The Five Doctors Promo

The 20th Anniversary Doctor Who Special, The Five Doctors, was broadcast on Friday, 25th November 1983, as part of the Children In Need telethon. It was written by Terrance Dicks, who was the script editor during the Pertwee Era. Richard Hurndall was cast as the 1st Doctor and Tom Baker declined to take part, meaning that the 4th Doctor (and the 2nd Romana) were represented in scenes taken from the unfinished (and unbroadcast) 1979 story ‘Shada’. Dicks also wrote a number of Dr Who scripts and also novelised a lot of the stories for Target books, as in those days, there weren’t any VHS releases yet.

Media Details
Content Type: Programme Trails
Picture: 4:3 Colour
Quality: HQ
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
Country: United Kingdom
Channel / Service: BBC One
Talent and Credits
Posted by: TVARK