
Eyewitness News – Open & Bumper (1)

This summer 1983 edition of EWN is an interesting one. It shows one of the many subway derailments of that year, but it also shows Roger in an… interesting mood. He's a little late with the open, and bizarrely tosses to Mark Haines (now with CNBC). The accompanying bumper clip has Roger awkwardly teasing a Mets story. Roger was a natural prankster, but was also widely known to frequent many of the city's bars, with Larry Kane alleging that he frequently drank to excess. Whether or not these clips show Roger anchoring under the influence may never be known, but regardless these clips let the viewer know that Roger Grimsby was anything but grim.

Media Details
Content Type: Idents
Picture: 4:3 Colour
Quality: ST
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:Disney/ABC
Country: United States
Channel / Service: WABC
Talent and Credits
Posted by: TVARK