BBC White City

BBC White City was opened in 1990 built on the site of the 1908 Franco-British exhibition. The building was originally intended to be a new home for BBC Radio, replacing Broadcasting House however this plan was scrapped and the building instead became office space with fifty edit suites, various Television production teams, the Digital Switchover team, BBC Academy, the Children in Need charity and parts of Operations and HR, as well as a large BBC restaurant. It housed most of the BBC's current affairs and factual and learning programmes, such as Panorama, Top Gear, Watchdog and many others. In 2004 the BBC's White City building became part of the BBC Media Village – a collection of 6 BBC buildings on the 17 acre site. The other buildings were: Media Centre, Broadcast Centre, Energy Centre, Garden House and the Lighthouse.In March 2013 the BBC left White City and sold it to developers.

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