
Mr Benn

In 2005 this beloved British animated television series experienced a revival with a special one-off episode. This episode was created to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the original series, which first aired in 1971. In this special, Mr Benn, as usual, visits the costume shop where the shopkeeper, a key character in the series, presents him with a Gladiator costume to try on.

Media Details
Content Type: Programme Titles
Picture: 4:3 Colour
Quality: HQ
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:King Rollo Films
Country: United Kingdom
Channel / Service: Nickelodeon
Talent and Credits
Performer: Ray Brooks
Writer: David McKee
Music: Duncan Lamont
VT / Picture Editors: Adrian Church, Chris Gunningham
Producer: Clive Juster
Director: Leo Nielsen
Posted by: Martin