5 News 2016 – 2021

On Monday, 31st October 2016 5 News unveiled its new look to coincide with the move back to ITN headquarters. In December 2017, Matt Barbet left with Claudia Liza-Armah replacing him. The new 5 News studio is now housed in the basement of ITN’s Gray’s Inn Road building in a space that was previously used for external client hire, ITN Productions work and ad-hoc ITV recordings. Kemistry designed both the set and the on-screen branding, which draws heavily on the recent Channel 5 rebrand and marks its first manifestation in a physical space. SET2 built and integrated the set, working with Kemistry and ITN’s in-house technology team.5 News studio director Ben Wickham said: “The new look 5 News real studio at Gray’s Inn Road replaces the previous virtual space reflects and strengthens our credibility as a strong terrestrial brand that is there for everyone, while drawing on Channel 5’s core values of boldness and originality.

5 News Tonight

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

27th October 2017

Views: 1168

Format: 16:9

5 News Update

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

3rd December 2017

Views: 555

Format: 16:9

On 8th November 2021, a new look came in. Clips to follow.

Examples of studio presentation and graphics