Newyddion 1982 – 1986

BBC Cymru has produced the news in Welsh on S4C from the start in 1982. It has a dedicated team of presenters and features not only Welsh stories but National and International stories too. Today BBC Cymru produces 2 bulletins for S4C, one for 5 minutes at 6.00pm, the other at 7.30pm for 25 minutes. They are broadcast from the same studio as BBC Wales Today.

Mae BBC Cymru wedi cynhyrchu y newyddion yn y Gymraeg i S4C ers y dechrau yn 1982. Mae ganddi tim o gyflwynwyr sy’n adrodd storiau o Gymru. Prydain a’r Byd. Heddiw, mae BBC Cymru yn cynhyrchu 2 bwletin i S4C, un pim munud am 6.00yh a’r llall am 7.30yh am 25 munud. Darlledir y ddau o’r un stiwdio a BBC Wales Today.

1986 – 1988

Newyddion Saith

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

Date unknown

Views: 755

Format: 4:3


New, it's not

Quality: HQ

7th June 1987

Views: 259

Format: 4:3

Newyddion (2)

New, it's not

Quality: ST


Views: 396

Format: 4:3

Newyddion (1)

New, it's not

Quality: ST

2nd September 1988

Views: 485

Format: 4:3

Examples of other presenters, studio presentation and graphics