
BBC2 Open University

Two clips from 1984 featuring the channel-styled OU ident, which had been introduced that year. The left clip features an Open University interval. OU intervals weren’t exactly riveting TV as all you got was the OU shield disappearing and then reappearing at the end of the interval, as seen in the clip, which features the full 80 second link. The right clip is the opening link to a late night transmission. Clearly pre-recorded, a different announcer does the continuity. It’s also worth noting that the BBC2 continuity announcer does a standard closedown announcement over the clock before handing over to the OU, a practice which had ended by the time the TWO look came into being in March 1986.

Media Details
Content Type: Idents
Picture: 4:3 Colour
Quality: ST
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
Country: United Kingdom
Channel / Service: BBC Two
Talent and Credits
Posted by: TVARK