
The Quatermass Experiment (1)

Manned space flights were years away, but this series presented them as near drama-documentary. Viewers were terrified by the realistic presentation of astronaut Victor Carroon (Duncan Lamont), returning from space in the grip of an infection that causes him to mutate into a monstrous alien. On the evidence of these episodes, Reginald Tate's performance as Quatermass is a slow-builder. There's a charming cameo appearance by Katie Johnson, as the little old lady on whose cottage the rocket makes an emergency landing. As Mrs Wilberforce, Johnson stole the show from Alec Guinness in that Ealing classic, The Ladykillers. The second clip includes the original BBC announcer who followed the broadcast of the second episode. (tx: 18/07/1953 – 22/08/1953)

Media Details
Picture: 4:3 Colour
Quality: ST
Production and Transmission
Country: United Kingdom
Talent and Credits
Posted by: TVARK