
Animal Kwackers

Airing between 1975 and 1978, this Yorkshire Television children’s show was a unique blend of music and fantasy, targeted primarily at younger children. The premise of ‘Animal Kwackers’ revolved around four anthropomorphic animal characters who were members of a rock band. These characters were Rory the lion, Twang the monkey, Bongo the dog, and Boots the tiger. Each character had its own distinct personality and style, contributing to the show’s appeal. The format of the show typically involved the ‘Animal Kwackers’ engaging in various adventures, often with a moral or educational slant, interspersed with songs performed by the band.

Media Details
Content Type: Programme Titles
Picture: 4:3 Colour
Quality: HQ
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:Yorkshire Television
Country: United Kingdom
Channel / Service: ITV
Talent and Credits
Performer: Gerry Cowan
Writer: Gerry Cowan
Set Design: Howard Dawson
Graphic Design: Trev Hodgson
Producer: Peter Max-Wilson
Posted by: Martin