Grampian 1998 – 2000 Branding

In June 1997, Scottish Television acquired Grampian for approximately £105 million. Minimal changes occurred until the summer of 1998, when the In-Vision service was discontinued and replaced with holding slides and a new black ident featuring a tilted Saltire. In early September 1998, both the presentation suite and playout centre relocated from Aberdeen to Glasgow. Most staff associated with these roles were laid off, with the exception of Kate Fraser, who transferred to Glasgow.

On October 5, 1998, the 1989 ITV ident was officially retired, coinciding with a national rebranding of the ITV logo. Two days later, on October 7, a new dark blue ident was introduced. This ident was further enhanced the following Monday with a shattering glass effect, while maintaining the Dundas jingle from 1989.

Grampian Ident

New, it's not

Quality: ST


Views: 783

Format: 4:3

Grampian Ident

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

22nd December 1999

Views: 1399

Format: 4:3

Grampian Holding Slides