Grampian Television

In 1960, the Independent Television Authority (ITA) granted the franchise for North Scotland and the Highlands and Islands to North of Scotland Television Limited, with the stipulation that the winning bidder had to include members from the losing bids on its board. By January 11, 1961, the board concluded that the name ‘North of Scotland TV’ was too cumbersome and opted for ‘Grampian Television’ instead. Broadcasts commenced on September 30, 1961, with an inaugural message from ITA Chairman Sir Ivonne Kirkpatrick, followed by horse racing coverage from Catterick.

Grampian Television made notable contributions to the ITV network, including educational programming like ‘Living and Growing’, children’s shows such as ‘James the Cat’, and the first three National Television Awards. The station was acquired by Scottish Television in June 1997 and rebranded as STV North in 2006.