Television X (TVX) is a series of Exotic adult television channels based in the London Docklands, and broadcasts from 10pm until 5:30am. TVX started broadcasting under its original name, the Fantasy Channel, in 1995. The two original hosts were Charmaine Sinclair and Samantha Jessup with Debbie Corrigan and Kirsten Imrie making occasional appearances.

Much of the original programming Superdick, Shagnasty and Mutley, David Dickie’s World of Sport etc. was developed by Deric Botham, then editor of Penthouse. The station garnered international publicity when it brought the former American prostitute Estella Marie Thompson, also known as Divine Brown, over for a launch at BAFTA’s headquarters in Piccadilly.

On Friday nights, DJ Chris Rogers aka Caesar the Geezer presented a live two-hour show with sports agent Eric Hall.Portland TV was a subsidiary of Richard Desmond’s publishing company Northern & Shell until 2016, when Portland TV was sold by Northern & Shell in a management buy-out, becoming wholly owned by Neon X, in a deal that marked Northern & Shell’s complete departure from involvement in the UK television industry.

TVX promo

New, it's not

Quality: HQ

13th July 1995

Views: 480

Format: 4:3