
Whistle and I’ll Come to You

When the BBC brought back the Ghost Story for Christmas strand as a semi-regular feature, they commissioned this retelling and reimagining of M.R. James’ 1904 short story Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad, has John Hurt as an astronomer who finds a dark secret at a beach in a seaside town.

Media Details
Content Type: Programme Titles
Picture: 16:9 Colour
Quality: HQ
Production and Transmission
Production Co.:BBC
Country: United Kingdom
Channel / Service: BBC Two
Talent and Credits
Performers: John Hurt, Gemma Jones, Lesley Sharp, Sophie Thompson
Writer: Neil Cross
Set Design: Mike Gunn
Graphic Design: Richard Wise
VT / Picture Editor: Stephen O'Connell
Producer: Claire Armspach
Director: Andy de Emmony
Posted by: Stuart