CBS Reality

CBS Reality debuted on November 16, 2009, as a collaborative effort between AMC Networks International UK (formerly Chellomedia) and CBS Studios International. It first replaced Zone Reality in the UK and later expanded to replace it across Europe by December 2012.

Armando Nunez, the President of CBS Studios International, emphasised the importance of a successful UK launch before contemplating further expansion. He remarked, “Chello has a bouquet of channels that are doing well but have never really had access to higher-tier content, We have the content, but are not really in the international channels business. It’s a natural fit.”

Reed Manville, CBS’s Executive Vice President, noted the challenge and opportunity before them: “There’s latent awareness of the CBS brand, and that it stands for quality US entertainment, but people associate it with things such as DVDs, motion pictures and news. Our job is to build that out.”

2009 – 2013

Now Next Later

New, it's not

Quality: ST


Views: 250

Format: 16:9

Lock Up promo

New, it's not

Quality: ST


Views: 54

Format: 16:9

2013 – 2017

On April 10, 2013, CBS Reality underwent a rebranding, featuring a new logo designed by Studio Hansa. Subsequently, on April 1, 2014, the channel expanded its reach by becoming available on Freeview.

Clips will be added as soon as possible.

2017 – Present

On the 18th of April, 2017, a new look was unveiled, created by Holman & Hunt, with audio input from Echoic. Richard Holman, the Creative Director of Holman + Hunt, expressed his satisfaction with the project, saying, “I loved working on this project. It gave me the enviable opportunity of spending time with people whose character and strength of mind has seen them through events that the rest of us can only imagine. And it allowed me to spend time crafting and fine-tuning a visual approach to portraiture that balances stillness with power.”

Lucy Hunt, the Executive Producer of Holman + Hunt, commented on the logistical challenges faced during the project, noting, “This was one of the more logistically challenging projects we have worked on with fire trucks being called out, air ambulance helicopters taking off and doctors being called into emergency surgery in the middle of shooting but it all added to the real-life drama!”

Matt Stott, the Director of Creative, Marketing, and Communications for AMC Networks International, shared his thoughts on the collaboration and the outcome, stating, “This was a great collaboration with H+H once again. We’re very proud of the work and feel it’s an authentic reflection of both CBS Reality and its viewers. Our research made it very clear what our audience connected with in our shows, and these moving portraits mirror that feedback. More than anything, they look for how people overcome adversity. All the subjects have fascinating back stories that are worth exploring in themselves. Eye contact remains one of the most powerful forms of communication, and H+H skillfully captured that for us.”